I've come to notice a popular trend among nurses,
We just learn to deal
Whatever comes your way, you,
just deal with it
Keep on trucking along
Keep on pushing
that helps in certain, high critical situations
But to operate at this level everyday....
I see a problem nurses!!
You get so used to "just dealing" at work that
It starts to affect you
Your motivation
Your patient care
Your energy levels
The time or effort you give to yourself or your family??
Do you see the correlation?
If you continue to operate at a low level of just surviving of just dealing
How will you thrive?
How will you grow?
I have seen and been apart of this culture of nursing
And I can say that it is an awful feeling!
Can you relate?
Lets change this standard, no more just surviving
How are you making time for your growth!??
Lets talk about actions we can take as a community and as nurses to limit the amount of “Just surviving or just Dealing” mentality
~Make taking breaks part of the norm while at work
Take breaks to pee,
Take breaks to drink water not coffee or bang, hydrate your soul!
Take breaks to refuel your energy, mentally and physically
What's for lunch sis?
DO you have your healthy carbs, protein and grains today?
What kind of snacks did you bring?
Take breaks to walk outside or look out a window
Text a friend or loved one
~Have morning and night routines
How do you prepare for your long shifts
Do you hydrate
Comb your hair
Listen to positive music or podcast
Do you stretch?
Match your socks?
~How do you unwind after work?
Do you fuel up?
Plan for the next day
Walk your dog
Or stare at your screens?!!
Don't do it, prioritize your rest & recovery
Disconnect 30 mins to an hour before bed
~Have a safe community!
Find those who are like minded with similar goals for health and self growth as you
Plan activities for the weekend
Read books or listen to music or podcasts together
Discuss documentaries or world news
Have friends that have different views from you as well!
Have real conversations
Challenge each other!
~Find faith or beliefs
Who do you believe in?
Do you believe in something bigger than yourself?
Do you believe in the bigger picture?
I practice these on a regular basis and have found my own life more balanced as a nurse and overall as human being.
If these sound foreign, hey that's ok! Getting out of your comfort zone can feel uncomfortable
Breaking the cycle of just dealing with the chaos of Nurse Life and making peace within
may feel out of place or it may feel like a breath of fresh air !
You decide!

But these daily changes can help you change the habit of just dealing with life
or just surviving to true meaningful growth!
We deserve to have our own health and wellness needs supported and it starts within ourselves! How are you taking care of you sis!??
Due to our demanding work we need to ask ourselves this question on a daily?
And if you need help implementing healthier habits into your daily routines
Im here to help!

If you found value in what was shared today but still feel you need more help implementing Wellness and whole living into your Health goals as a Nurse,
Lets chat!
I have this amazing free session💫
The Empowered Nurse Free Wellness Session available for Nurses
who are ready to break free from
unhealthy behaviors,
limiting beliefs
and form healthier habits
In their nutrition, physical activity levels and self care routines !✅
To sign up >>CLICK HERE<<